Promotional Partners adopted the core value words of "creativity, collaboration & certification" with our company re-brand in 2010. Jump forward to 2022 and we find our company turning 15! Reflecting on the journey of our past 15 years, we realized there was another core value word we needed to insert in our print materials:
For 15 years our company has been part of the fabric of the community that supports us. Community is also at the heart of collaborative process, offering our clients strategies around authentically plugging into the community. Your marketing efforts should demonstrate your values. Lend a hand.
Owners Olivia & Keith commented, "our early years, the recession and being a new business hampered our ability to give back financially at the level that pulled our hearts. Instead, our early years of investment relied heavily on sharing through our service, offering our time & talents. Nothing replaced the joy of paying it forward to another organization & seeing them thrive. The support our clients & community have shown us through the years and specifically during this pandemic has been deeply appreciated."
Let's review the 15-year impact by the numbers:
Service & Leadership- we stopped counting at over 100,000 hours!
Serving on boards, committees, and organizations around Wake County.
Shared Our Expertise - as a speaker, panelist, published articles, mentor
Financial- in addition to in kind donations & sponsorships we have given back over $55,000 to various organizations.

Where have we been a leader or volunteer over the years?
Offering our creativity, voice, leadership & service:
Apex Rotary Club- President, Past President, Committee Chair
Apex Festival Commission- Marketing
Apex Downtown Business Association- President, Past President, Marketing
Apex Chamber of Commerce- Board of Directors, Ambassador, Committee Chair
Apex High Academy of Information & Technology Board Member
Apex Friendship Business Alliance Board Member
Fuquay-Varina Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors- President, Past President, Committee Chair
Holly Springs Chamber of Commerce- Business Alliance Committee Chair
What's been happening recently?
In 2021 where did we invest?
National Fire Safety Council
St Jude's Children's Hospital
Children's Flight of Hope
Apex Cougar Club Sponsorship
Apex PD Torch Run Campaign
Apex Public School Foundation
Apex American Legion Post 124- 911 Commemoration
Apex Halle Tree Festival for Western Wake Crisis Ministry
The Poe Center
Apex Chamber of Commerce Peak Performer which includes: Apex's First Responders Breakfast and the Peak of Hope Golf Tournament
Where are we currently committed to invest in 2022?
Apex Chamber Peak Performers
St Jude’s Children's Hospital Research
Apex Cougar Club
Local Support for the National Fire Safety Council
Apex Public School Foundation
NC Torch Run for Special Olympics- Apex & Fuquay-Varina
NC Sheild
Poe Center Golf Tournament
The Annual Halle Tree Festival
Along with volunteering with:
Apex Rotary Club
Apex Festival Commission
Together We Can Do More
We started our Promotional Partners Cares Campaign in 2020. This program is our annual focus on a local organization doing great work in the community. We pledge to give back profits from our orders to this organization. It's a pretty simple concept – when you purchase items included in the campaign, your profits help us grow & support that organization. Just like your support grows our company, we in turn can invest back into others.
In 2020 we focused on the Wake County chapter for Safe Kids and had fun with the So Cool Popsicle Contest for Kids – $250. In 2021, we focused again on kids, with a spotlight on the work of the Poe Center – $1200. We're announcing our 2022 Spotlight & Give tomorrow, so be sure to tune in and hear the news! And if you aren't already following us, what's stopping you!? Community Matters!
What's your favorite organization to volunteer at?
Let us know in the comments!