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Use Unifying Factors To Create Content

Generating a buzz and keeping in the forefront of your markets, without pushing products is a balance in marketing brands. A brand identity relies on loyalist, which is rooted in commonalities. The more our values and needs are aligned, the experience benefits both the consumer and the business. Creating a cohesive experience, among a group of related businesses will help define the story to the target market.

Today is National Mom & Pop Business Day and while Olivia and Keith will be working today, they'd like to share some insight into what they've learned about owning a small business!

2020 put a spotlight on the term, shop local, with an urgency to save main street businesses. Consumers found their neighbors struggling for sales and basic needs. Every thriving downtown, aka the main street sector, has a vibe and numerous commonalities. Besides being independent businesses, not usually associated with franchise assistance- each of those businesses is then responsible for their brand identity.

Connecting circles and unifying information doesn't have to be a daunting task. Start simple, with goals you can manage and don't overcomplicate the process.

  • Set goals you can manage

  • Limit your number of posts per week

  • Established patterns for posts

  • Consider populating your calendar with monthly reminders for how your brand gives back, has evolved ( throwback days) and behind-the-scenes stories are popular.

  • Use a management system to track your progress, including programmed posts.

  • Vary your message delivery- use polls, trivia questions or use video

If you are part of a collective group such as the main street, determine how you are similar and develop stories around that content. Never underestimate the power of a list. Make a list of unifying factors, that will easily cross-promote your stories and increase new followers to your business by getting to know your neighbor's customer base too.

  • Consider this example, April is National Volunteer Month. By sharing the total hours each of your businesses spends volunteering, serving, or sponsoring local organizations in your community is a powerful story. Woven together, if your main street businesses collectively give back 10,000 into local community organizations, lend 250 hours a month to local organizations a volunteer, supports 20 different groups as a volunteer, then you've put a face to the phrase shop local.

  • Similarly, highlighting the number of accolades earned by local businesses suggests to individuals unfamiliar with your district, that collectively you represent a thriving location, with something special to offer. Creating the call to action, come check us out.

  • How about the economic impact- highlight the total number of jobs created by businesses in your district.

Enhance the impact of your message by repeating stats throughout your signage within the downtown area. Visual communications are an excellent tool for layering your message, making impressions count, and reinforcing the value of your local businesses.

Looking for more small business tips? You’re in luck- we’ve shared over 5 pages of posts using the keywords- small business.

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