Our Eco-dictionary journey takes us to the letters O, P and R.
A common thread between all of these letters is a commitment to the environment.
OEKO-TEX A group of 17 independent research and test institutes in Europe and Japan is responsible for the joint development of test methods and limit values to create the OEKO-TEX standards. It offers a number of labels that show textiles have been tested for harmful substances and have been made with socially responsible and ecologically friendly processes.
One Tree Planted This nonprofit partners with reforestation organizations across the globe. For each dollar donated, one tree is planted. Since 2014, it has planted over 40 million trees in more than 43 countries. It's also an organization embraced by our partners. We've created some fun, custom pieces that also planted trees! Read more here.
Plastic Pollution Coalition This global alliance of more than 1,200 organizations, businesses and thought leaders in 75 countries works to rid the world of plastic pollution and its impact on humans, animals, waterways, oceans and the environment. It’s a project of nonprofit Earth Island Institute.
Regenerative Organic Certification (ROC) This is a relatively new certification for food, textiles and personal-care ingredients, overseen by the nonprofit Regenerative Organic Alliance, which was founded by Patagonia, Dr. Bronner’s and Rodale Institute. It requires farming communities to meet a variety of criteria that prioritize soil health, animal welfare and the social well-being of farmers and farm-workers.
Even wooden badges that plant trees, yes really! Read more here.