Perhaps you saw our earlier post this year about FEED and Terra Thread bags, both partners responding to the needs of food insecurity among our youth.
Did you know the 2nd full week in October, is National School Lunch Week? The week is designed to put a spotlight on the programs & nutritious food. Since 1946, national school lunch programs have been available, but the programs & offerings vary by state & district. Around the triangle, we are fortunate to have a program for offering both breakfast & lunch and some schools have created their own pantries, summer programs or weekend snack packs for students or families that might be struggling with food insecurity.

Programs that feed students not only make it easier for these students to concentrate & focus in school, because they are not hungry but the programs lift up spirits & demonstrate compassion for others.
In 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed a joint proclamation by Congress designating the second full week of October to be National School Lunch Week.
The National School Lunch Act became United States federal law in 1946 and created the National School Lunch Program. It provides low-cost or free school lunches to qualified students.
Lunch bags, boxes, sandwich & snack keepers and utensils are all products that are popular to brand. Perhaps the next time you brand one of these products, you might consider allocating some funds to a local food pantry or program in your area. Ask us to share some connections for programs in the area.