Focus on what you can do, not what you can't do- after-all it worked for the ant & the rubber tree plant; right? We enjoy collaborating with our clients. Our discussions are not just about projects, but about what grows & sustains our business and sometimes what feeds our souls. In May we officially kick-off 14 years in business. What insights have we learned along our journey?
Embrace learning something new. Always invest in your professional development. For example, have you tried using video? What's the worst that can happen? Start small- maybe instead of posting for the world to see, you make some short videos about new products or services you can share with your trusted connections or customers. Your YouTube channel does not have to be public, ours isn't.
Learn from losses. Business owners are hard on themselves, often wasting time pondering why there was not a connection with a prospect. Usually, the question goes unanswered, but revisiting your core frequently matters. Staying focused on your value proposition is critical. Focus efforts on the types of client that brings referrals and raving fans- that's your value. Maybe it's time to survey your client base to affirm what makes them loyal.
Pace your expanded services. Once your company is able to accomplish your core business with proficiency & ease, you're ready to layer in new products or services. Listen to your client base, their trust and confidence is usually the reason they are asking you to partner on a new venture. Congratulations, you're ready for the next step.
Don't trash competitors, it does not speak well of your industry. Competitors can be allies. Establish trust and relationships among your industry partners to outsource products or services not in your wheelhouse; which frees up time to go after new markets and focus efforts on the areas where you excel. Besides every industry benefits from providers of all shapes & sizes to satisfy the preferences of consumers. The goal is to identify and target your ideal client; not your competitors.
Ask for introductions. The answer is always no if you don't ask. What's the worst that can happen- inaction? That was already the result.