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How Are You Adapting To Constant Change?

Updated: Sep 9, 2020

Have you ever heard the saying, moss does not grow on a rolling stone? That phrase captures the pace required of businesses of every shape, size, and industry. It also accurately captures the state of our advertising & marketing industry. Daily, almost hourly, we find new product solutions to help businesses stay open and functioning. Because products are hitting the market with lightning speed, much that we have to offer has not even been added to the website, so ask for us to talk through the options or review choices in the showroom by appointment.

What are we seeing that will help your business adapt? Here are 5 key areas to explore:

1. Temperature checks with no-contact thermometers at entrances.

2. Post clear communication from the front door, to walls, to floors throughout the building so visitors know your enhanced safety measures. Make sure to mark the floors and outside walkways or add curbside signage. Use posters, temporary signage, stickers, and magnets to reinforce healthy practices like hand-washing and cough/sneeze etiquette, that can be given out at the point of purchase as a perk for coming into your location. Even hand out touchless keys to add more safety as they travel around town. Yes, ask us to design a custom solution. (only need 1 of something like a poster- do you have other businesses around you to go in on one larger order to save you cost- after all, we are "in it together" or ask us to show you a product solution offered as a single)

3. Install protective barriers between workstations- both branded and clear.

4. Provide PPE face coverings for team members, shields, masks, gaiters, and hand sanitizer -even industrial stands.

5. Welcome guests and clients by appointment only and offer them a reusable item for later such as an antimicrobial pen, to keep once they sign into your business. A mouse-pad, to use when they work through the design plans for their new home project or purchase. A coaster, to keep by their computer to remind them about promotions that will start early for loyal customers. Maybe a fly swatter to remind them that your services keep their life running smoothly without unwelcome interruptions. A savvy retailer or restaurant might make change with a token designed to bring back in for a discount. Consider elevating the impact by giving them two tokens. One for them and another color to share with a friend to track the result of your promotion!

Self-promotions work to generate repeat business and loyalty among your consumer base.

PS - As a business owner, this tip caught my attention. Update incident and injury reporting procedures to include COVID-19 exposure, consider internal changes such as staggering break times, start/end times and work-from-home days to maintain social distancing. Scheduling times for employees to clean and sanitize workstations on every shift. Evaluate travel policies. Consider surveying your team to gauge their comfort level with policies and procedures.




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