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Elaborately Crafted Repetition's Yield Amazing Results

In 2020 we all started using the word "pivot"- which to me suggested embracing a zig or a zag from your normal routine.

When I was in college I considered a minor in textiles instead of painting- but, I love to paint! My draw to textiles came from the unique yarn textures and the oxymoron created from the exactness necessary to weave cloth on a loom, yet simultaneously creating unlimited results is exciting. Think about it- beside all the colors of yarn, the feel of the fabric depends on the type of yarn & how it's spun.

The holidays are a perfect time to offer tactical comfort & beauty with blanket gifts.

What's extra special about these brands?

Hilana- is woman-owned company with a zero waste solution turning upcycled scraps into something beautiful, durable and long lasting. Image the impact of this type of gift for your brand. Explore the options here.

We love a family run- small business story of success, that offers a USA Made solution. Made * Here New York basketweave blankets are not only USA Made, but luxurious! The passion for textiles is obvious. Her story also resonated with me- starting as a painter with art in local galleries to teaching in the public schools & local arts centers for adults, to taking time to raise our boys- while staying in touch with my creative side painting murals for 15 years. Finally applying creative ideas into developing the vision for our company that's kept us moving forward these past 17 years.

Founder + CEO, Karyn Villante graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology- AAS Fashion Design, BS Textile Production Management. She designed for imports as well as domestic, but really loved working domestically in the knitting mills in New York. She left the industry years ago to raise her two daughters, working part-time jobs and always in a creative field. Pushed by her daughter to reignite her business & share her designs, based on a sweater that she knitted for her daughter, she forged ahead. Karyn states, "The decline in establishments making knitted apparel in New York is dramatic and sad. According to the United States Census Bureau, there were 283 Apparel Knitting Mills in 1998, and there were 44 in 2011. Far too many knitting mills have gone out of business. I had tried in the past to call many of the knitting mills that I had worked with only to find that the number was no longer in service.


I needed to try harder.


After many hours on the phone, and many days “pounding the pavement”, (yes, I knocked on doors, and spoke into the microphones”), I was hopeful. The exact knitting machine that made the original sweater was undoubtedly in a landfill somewhere; but there were new, better faster machines that could replicate the stitch. I found a knitter. I found a dye house. I found a finisher. Would they make a small order? Small orders are more difficult in production but the mills were willing to help me.  What grew from that original small order came more requests. MADE*HERE NEW YORK™ is the start of something really great. Hope you like our product and support manufacturing in New York."


Each product comes with a handwritten tag with a different quote from a famous New York woman. 


“Do one thing every day that scares you” –Eleanor Roosevelt

We hope you are inspired by these amazing stories!




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