Elephants are imposing figures- massive in size, full of personality.

It's nearly impossible to go throughout your day without "the elephant in the room"- the increasing presence of AI as a partner.
For many driving innovation, solving complex challenges and improving efficiency means embracing what AI can do for you personally and your business. In fact, while writing this blog, I'm prompted to consider the help of AI. Prompts to use AI are already part of our e-mails, text messages and even as we form our social media posts. If I allowed AI to write for me, my spelling errors & omitted words would disappear. Yet, I'm still drawn to telling my own story- even if it's flawed.
My social media is filled with two topics:
The reduction in remote work- bringing people back to work for collaboration.
Classes around how to identify social, non-verbal cues of communication.
Is there anyone else besides me that finds it ironic we want to teach people how to identify the nuances of human connection, yet promote the benefits of AI for telling our stories?
Perhaps one day, like Sonny in I Robot, robots will start to emote and feel emotions. Right now AI seems more like an elephant about to sit on me.
As a creative it's hard for me to embrace how "Sonny" will ever learn to think like me; understand what winds my mind or keeps me up at night. It's said, "an elephant never forgets"- encoding information along their lifetime. Elephants can live up to 70 years, exist alone or in a group. They communicate by touch, sight, smell and sound. Scientists have determined they have self-awareness and show concern for dying & dead among their species. Visit behind the scenes of a zoo and keepers will share different personalities among the herd.
Take a look at a family and you'll find family members that repeat patterns, probably due to both genetic & environmental encoding. Yet, you'll also find families where members forge a different path, creating unpredictable outcomes. We tell individuals needing to remove negative behavior, the only person that can change their narrative & ignore triggers- is you.
When we surprise our self, metaphorically, we're no longer trapped by the weight of expectation. If AI becomes an essential partner in business, I'll be curious if it AI will ever become unpredictable. Will we need to take classes to learn the nuances of non-verbal cues?
For now, I'll keep relying collaboration. One-to-one interactions encode new ideas and lead me to unexpected outcomes! I like surprises and defying convention. Story telling through visual arts, music and the written word relies on an artist seeing the nuances in life often missed. An artist draws us in, wanting to know more and seeing the world from their perspective.
Brand identity requires knowing you- what makes you tick. Brand story tellers, like us, have a talent for drawing in new relationships eager to learn what makes you special. Together, let's keep crafting stories that are often as unpredictable as compelling!