Since Promotional Partners opened our doors in 2007, we have been community focused- meaning we volunteer, we sponsor, we mentor, we give of our talents & resources by serving on various boards & committees and we give seek out ways to make an impact in the communities that support us!
In 2020, we decided to create an "annual give"- not at the exclusion of the areas we already support but an extra way to put a spotlight on local organizations, doing great work within our communities. Perhaps some organizations you don't know, but we think you should know. Since Olivia started in education, many of our community investments have been around youth. Over the years, we have stepped up to leadership positions in the community 25+ times, sponsored over 30 different organizations - most for years, mentored 18 students, and shared our expertise as a speaker/panelist 15 times because we are committed to paying it forward.
During 2021, we have already supported the Apex Cougar Club, Apex Chamber of Commerce, Apex Police Torch Run, Children's Flight of Hope, NC Fire Safety Council, St Jude's and all year long....we are working to support The Poe Center!
How much do you know about the work of The Poe Center? Learn more here.
How easy it is to give back to Poe? A no-brainer! Watch here.
Why support your local community? It's pretty simple- big problems become small when we work together to solve challenges. Strangers become neighbors, colleagues & friends. Besides, working together connects us emotionally and the outcome of our efforts leaves a mark on future generations. Like a storybook- we all want to live happily ever after right? If you follow our hashtag, #YourStoryOurWhy, yes, you'll see marketing campaigns unfold. However, keep in mind that marketing relies on connecting people to messages. By supporting our local communities your story becomes our story. Businesses provide the goods & services that our communities need, so working as partners we sustain & grow thriving communities. Thanks to individuals working with us in 2020- we were able to continue in business.
Will you help us make a difference this year? Ask for products that Give Back to Poe!