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Cabin Fever Solutions

Employee retention, referral gifts and thank you for your business are some of the main reasons our clients seek quality branded products. In the coming weeks, we may find more companies working remotely. What can you do to stay top of mind or lighten the load of your employees? Gifts!

At the holidays it's not unusual for us to field request about drop shipments to individual locations for food gifts, however this is a service we provide year round for any promotional item; not just food. Home comfort is a perfect way to show appreciation.

What types of gifts will be appreciated at home?

Regardless of germs, let's get real- you're going to still snuggle with family. Blankets are useful year round and perfect for a lazy afternoon watching movies at home. Don't forget the doorbell camera, adapters or smart outlets so you don't have to get up from the sofa!

Besides help around the house, smart devices can solve many issues. Like what? Not ready to invest in an Apple Watch for the entire family? This low cost smart watch can take phone calls conveniently with the built-in speaker and microphone. It also functions as a music player and remote camera shutter for those selfies you plan to post and a calendar in case you lose track of your days hibernating.

Deluxe charging systems that allow you to charge more than one item at a time are useful when you have multiple devices in need of a recharge, but prefer not to have cords all over the house. This system is also perfect for the busy professional who juggles multiple devices throughout their day.

Go old school and enjoy some time playing games such as checkers, tic-tac toe, stacking games or even sharpen your mind with a game of sudoko. One of our favorite challenge games is a retro memory builder, requiring a sharp ear and trained eye.

If you want to build momentum to your next event, custom playing cards offering 52 safety/wellness tips, 52 reasons to shop or dine in the future, 52 reasons to become a member, 52 reasons to partner with your business. Our graphic team can assist you with inspiration. One of our favorite case studies includes custom cards for the YMCA, but we've done them for a number of industries.

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