The EYES have it; yes; bad pun...but you know I like my word play. Fun and practical webcam covers are that inexpensive promotion you've been seeking to connect with your target markets.
A PTA might give them out to new families and remind them to WATCH the website for upcoming events.
A municipality might give them out with an open house to introduce residents to new town programs.
A savvy marketer might use them for a social media contest as a reminder to participate.
Is your privacy safe? Know who's watching- we are looking out for you! Tech companies and law enforcement can use this type of product for brand messaging.
Smile and the world smiles with you- there are plenty of professional industries that rely on brilliant smiles.
Decorators, graphic artists and web designers have an eye for pulling together the right amount of color, pattern and imagery to create a cohesive project. If your business has a positive impact on another, like business coach that re focuses your assets, a hair stylist that uplifts your spirits with a new look or an insurance agent that is happy you continue to renew your policy each year - a smile goes a long way.
Each of these strategies were lifted from archived case studies in our brand resource center. Creating an eye for brand engagement can benefit from a twist of fun!