Gift cards have become a popular way to give to another. Cards offer an ease of purchase and remove the pressure of the selecting an ideal gift. Gift cards however, as a way to reward an employee for exceptional service or long term commitment seem a bit impersonal.
What are 5 compelling reasons to not give gift cards in the workplace?
Reason #1: Gift Cards Are Not Personal
Gift cards do not recognize employees for their personal achievements or express to employees their manager’s appreciation. Recognition programs should motivate and reinforce desired behaviors. Annual awards, as part of an event generate excitement among recipients.

Reason #2 Gift Cards Lack Emotion
Employees do not make the same emotional connection with gift cards as they do with symbolic awards. Gift cards lack sincerity, creativity and a connection to the "why" behind the recognition.

Reason #3 Gift Cards Provide No Memory
Gift Cards are not memorable symbols of accomplishment. The reward is easily forgotten, leaving the recipient without a lasting memory. Challenge met, benchmarks celebrated and goals realized are among the top reasons we chose to acknowledge.
Reason #4 Gift Cards Are Not Used
10% of gift cards are not redeemed; 25% are re-gifted for someone else. Employees can sell gift cards for a discount on a secondary market. Over time, employees cannot remember how they used the card.
Reason #5 Gift Cards Provide Low ROI
Recognizing an employee for good work or celebrating the number of years in business is about public acknowledgement. Typically awards are meant to increase employee performance in a key area or provide motivation to set new goals. Using symbolic, tangible recognition is personal, emotional, memorable and long-lasting which makes it the ideal choice to increase profitability.

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Creating the best way to showcase your message is one of our specialties. The ability to consistently remind individuals of their investment and commitment are easily captured with custom pieces that offer a way to add to the layers with each additional benchmark.